RODEO WEEK – “Bank Hold-Up”

May 13, 2025 all-day
RODEO WEEK - "Bank Hold-Up" @ Redding | California | United States

It's the infamous Bank Hold-Up by the Lone Strangers.

The first part of Redding Rodeo week begins with a Bank Hold-Up by the Lone Strangers (two local residents in disguise). The Lone Strangers manage to pull off the heist in broad daylight, right under the nose of the ever vigilant Asphalt Cowboys. The Cowboys give chase, but somehow the Lone Strangers escape and the Cowboys must turn to the public for help.

Clues are given each day until someone identifies the bandits and locates the loot.

To Identify the Lone Strangers call 223-1188.

If you find the loot, turn it in at the Redding Chamber of Commerce.