2025 Parade Entry Form

Theme: Redding Loves The Redding Rodeo

Yes, the one announcers say when you're in the parade.

Contact Information: This is where we will mail your parade packet.

Tell Us About Your Entry!

Important Information:

If your entry includes multiple units, such as a truck and 4 horses, please create a separate entry for each as vehicles. Do not stage with mounted units for safety purposes, you will be combined with the rest of your entries at the parade start.

If you're part of a car club and wish to compete individually, each car must have its own entry. Similarly, if you're a group of horse riders, you may parade together, but if you're competing as an individual, each rider needs their own entry.


If you are a sitting elected official, you may participate in the parade and indicate your office title. However, if you're running for office, you cannot promote your campaign, though you may still be in the parade as yourself. Please refrain from using any "Vote for Me" signs or campaign-related scripts.

Thank you!

Also describe any wishes you may have like how to order multiple entries e.g. Please put us in this order Drum Major, Band, Flag Team
So we can save room for you in the staging area!
Asphalt Cowboys reserve the right to modify scripts as deemed necessary.