2020 Asphalt cowboys rodeo week.


The Asphalt Cowboys, with much sadness, would like to announce that the 2020 rodeo week activities will not take place this year. This is the first time in the history of the group that we will not put on our week.

We felt that after the extension of, the hold in place order, to the last of April that for the safety of all of the citizens of Redding was our main concern.   All of you have given us your support for all these years, we did not want to risk your health in any way.

To that end we are planning a bigger and better Barbecue for our fall event.

It would not have been possible to do the prep work that goes into rodeo week in the time we would have, not knowing when we could start.

At the time we made our decision the Rodeo assoc.were still working out their plan, so this in no way affects the actual rodeo and their plans.


If you have any questions: 
Call Ken Burns at  515-4995 or Tom Spade at 227-6859


See you all next year bigger and better than ever. !!!!!